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Indiana Counselor Standards

K-2 Standards


Standard 1 - Academic Development

Students gain knowledge and develop skills required to experience academic success, maximize learning through commitment, produce high quality work, and be prepared for a full range of options and opportunities following high school.

Effective Learning
K-2.1.1 Describe qualities of effective learners (e.g., effort, perseverance, responsibility).
K-2.1.2 Explain how people can learn from their mistakes.
K-2.1.3 Describe why working hard helps people achieve goals.
K-2.1.4 Describe how responsible students use their time.
K-2.1.5 Explain how students have the ability to choose their behaviors.
K-2.1.6 Identify people who can help when a student has a problem.
K-2.1.7 Demonstrate the ability to ask for help when needed.
K-2.1.8 List academic tasks that students do independently.
K-2.1.9 Specify the skills needed to work independently.
K-2.1.11 Specify the skills needed to work in a group.
K-2.1.12 Discuss the different ways that people learn.

Preparation for Postsecondary Education Options
K-2.1.13 Demonstrate an understanding that education continues throughout a lifetime.

Relationship of Academics to Work and Life
K-2.1.14 Identify the similarities between the behaviors expected at school and those expected in the work place.


Standard 2 - Career Development

Students develop a positive attitude toward work; develop the necessary skills to make a successful transition from school to the world of work, and from job to job across the life career span; and gain an understanding of the relationship between success in school and future success in the world of work.

Career Awareness (Self Knowledge, Career Exploration, Career Planning)
K-2.2.1 Describe one or more jobs they find interesting.
K-2.2.4 Identify examples of traditional careers and non-traditional careers.

Preparation for Career Options
K-2.2.5 Discuss the importance of attendance, punctuality, and doing one’s best.

Relationship of Careers to Academics and Life
K-2.2.6 Discuss the importance of learning new skills throughout one’s lifetime.


Standard 3 - Citizenship Development

Students develop the personal management and team-building skills needed to become successful learners, responsible citizens, and productive workers.

Respecting Self and Others
K-2.3.1 Identify ways in which people are similar and different.
K-2.3.2 Discuss the importance of showing respect for all people.
K-2.3.3 List ways to demonstrate respect for others at school.
K-2.3.4 Identify situations that make them angry.
K-2.3.5 Practice strategies for reducing anger.
K-2.3.7 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings using “I” messages.
K-2.3.8 Explain the benefits of good listening.

Preparation for Good Citizenship
K-2.3.12 Describe the benefits of behaving appropriately at school.
K-2.3.13 Describe the consequences of behaving inappropriately at school.
K-2.3.15 Describe the benefits of being honest.

Safety and Survival
K-2.3.18 Describe situations in which it is appropriate to seek help and to whom the students may turn to for help in each of those situations (e.g., threat of self-harm, weapon possession at school, physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect).


3-5 Indiana and SACS Guidance Standards


Standard 1 - Academic Development

Students gain knowledge and develop skills required to experience academic1 success, maximize learning through commitment, produce high quality work, and be prepared for a full range of options and opportunities following high school.

Effective Learning
3-5.1.1 Demonstrate learning skills (e.g., taking notes, reading texts, memorization techniques, test taking strategies, active listening).
3-5.1.2 Describe qualities they possess that make them effective learners at school (e.g., effort, perseverance, responsibility).
3-5.1.3 Identify a situation in which they have learned from a mistake.
3-5.1.4 Describe an experience where hard work resulted in achievement of a goal.
3-5.1.5 Discuss how time-use affects student learning.
3-5.1.6 Develop a plan for bringing about a desired change in academic performance.
3-5.1.7 Analyze their use of skills needed to work independently.
3-5.1.8 Evaluate their use of skills needed to work as a group.
3-5.1.9 Identify their learning style(s).
3-5.1.11 Describe how not turning in assignments impacts one’s grades in school.
3-5.1.12 Identify sources of extra help available to students in grades 3-5 needing academic support.
3-5.1.13 Develop a plan for academic improvement based on their classroom work, report card grades, standardized test results, teacher comments, and life experiences.

Preparation for Postsecondary Education Options
3-5.1.14 Explain the importance of earning a high school diploma.
3-5.1.17 Describe in general terms the options that exist for continuing one’s education after high school.
3-5.1.18 Discuss ways people with limited financial resources are able to continue their education after high school.

Relationship of Academics to Work and Life
3-5.1.19 Describe how academic performance at school can open or close future career opportunities.


Standard 2 - Career Development

Students develop a positive attitude toward work; develop the necessary skills to make a successful transition from school to the world of work, and from job to job across the life career span; and gain an understanding of the relationship between success in school and future success in the world of work.

Career Awareness (Self Knowledge, Career Exploration, Career Planning)
3-5.2.1 Use a career interest inventory to identify career interests.
3-5.2.4 Use personal, print, and electronic resources to research an occupation.
3-5.2.7 List jobs that relate to their hobbies and/or leisure activities.

Preparation for Career Options
3-5.2.8 Discuss how attendance, punctuality, and completing schoolwork on time are habits that transfer to the workforce.


Standard 3 - Citizenship Development

Students develop the personal management and team-building skills needed to become successful learners, responsible citizens, and productive workers.

Respecting Self and Others
3-5.3.1 Describe how to predict and prevent inappropriate expressions of anger.
3-5.3.2 Identify cultural groups (e.g., gender, ethnicity) and give examples of the challenges faced by various cultural groups.

3-5.3.7 Demonstrate the characteristics of active listening.
3-5.3.10 Describe how people act when they are aggressive, passive, and assertive.
3-5.3.11 Describe the steps of being assertive.
3-5.3.12 Describe a situation in which assertiveness is appropriate.
3-5.3.13 Identify student rights (e.g., the right to attend school, safe learning environment, respect from others).
3-5.3.14 Describe how students can lose their rights if they act irresponsibly.
3-5.3.15 Describe ways in which a student can demonstrate respect for oneself.
3-5.3.16 Describe ways in which students demonstrate respect for other students.
3-5.3.17 Describe ways in which students demonstrate respect for authority.
3-5.3.18 Describe ways in which students demonstrate respect for their parents and home.
3-5.3.19 Describe ways in which students demonstrate respect for others’ views and religious beliefs.
3-5.3.20 Describe ways in which students’ respect the property of others.

Preparation for Good Citizenship
3-5.3.23 Discuss the relationship between behaviors and consequences.
3-5.3.24 Apply the steps of a decision-making process.
3-5.3.31 Identify ways in which students can provide service in the community.

Safety and Survival
3-5.3.32 Discuss the emotional and physical dangers of alcohol and other substance abuse.